Dream Jobs | Do They Really Exist?
Recently when discussing some frustrations surrounding a work place indiscretion and how it was handled (or more aptly how it was not handled) by the powers-that-be, my friend and colleague remarked, “I don’t go to work to have my needs met.” Cue my existential crisis in response. As I�
Your Emotional Intelligence Quotient is Key to Your Success Equation
Inspired by this week’s episode of the Moms Making Six Figures Podcast with Brenda Lee, Emotional Intelligence Expert, who believes in the power of identifying our perspective and pushing through our conditional gaps to tap into our mind’s subconscious. Part of the human experience is suffering.
The Benefits of Believing in Something Bigger
Inspired by this week’s episode of the Moms Making Six Figures Podcast with Dr. Barbara Ryan who attributes her success, service of others, and belief in herself to her faith. As parents, one of the first existential conversations we are asked to navigate by our children is the inevitable, “Wher