4 Simple Tips For A Healthy Gut – And Why It Matters.
Why is a healthy gut important?
Sounds a bit silly, but how often do you consider the role that your digestive system plays into your overall health?
These days, life is non-stop and families are always go-go-go. As busy parents, we experience the ups and downs of physical and emotional exhaustion, our kids are pushed to the limits to perform in school and sports, and its easy to sink into a routine of poor nutrition when our time is limited.
Ever wonder why you or your family always fall victim to those seasonal colds or flu? Are you tired of so often feeling “blah” and fatigued? Do your kids struggle with concentration? Maybe its time to reevaluate how you are treating your gut!
Your digestive system is not just a place to put all that food you just ate. It’s also home to about 80% of your entire immune system. And aside from your brain, your digestive system contains most of your neurotransmitters and mood-altering hormones. The message? We need to feed ourselves not just to fill our tummies, but to have the strongest immune systems, the most energy and the happiest mindsets possible!
4 Tips for a Healthy Gut
Here are some tips for keeping those guts healthy:
1. Minimize sugary and processed foods/snacks. Sugar causes inflammation, and an inflamed digestive system is not a healthy one
2. Step it up a notch with your fresh fruits and vegetables. You can’t eat too much, and the fiber is crucial in maintaining a happy gut. Even if you think you get plenty, a fiber supplement is still a great idea, even for kids!
2. Drink plenty of water. Adults are more than 60% water! Its important to stay hydrated in order for all of your body systems to function
3. Flood your system with probiotics on a daily basis. Don’t let those bad bacteria take over! Its great to take a probiotic supplement, and eat plenty of probiotic-rich foods like Greek yogurt (no sugar), kefir, even fermented foods like kimchi! You can learn more about the benefits of probiotics here.
4. Take an Omega 3 supplement. Most of us don’t eat enough fish to get adequate Omega 3s, but these fatty oils are a great defense against inflammation in your system. You can learn more about the benefits of Omega 3/Fish Oil supplements here.
Small changes make a big difference! Implementing some of these suggestions will have wonderful benefits for your family.
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