Belief in Yourself is Paramount to Success

Belief in Yourself is Paramount to Success

Inspired by this week’s journey through the Moms Making Six Figures Podcast archives where we revisit one of our favorite episodes to date featuring Brenda Lee, Emotional Intelligence Expert. Brenda champions the power of first believing in ourselves and our abilities, both personally and professionally, as a means to fully step into our essence and live our lives on purpose.

When it comes to our professional lives, and even our lives as mothers, we often struggle to believe in ourselves as much as we believe in those around us. While many of us want to model for our children that anything is possible, few of us speak to ourselves or live our lives in a way that demonstrates we are also capable of achieving those same possibilities. In order to establish or rekindle our lost belief in ourselves, we need to have someone speak truth over us and help us to live our lives on purpose once again.

Own Your Life

While we need the perspective and broader view of ourselves that others provide, we also need to acknowledge that we are ultimately responsible for our lives and our success. This is of course equal parts liberating and terrifying. When we acknowledge that we cannot control our challenges, only how we overcome them, we realize we are the ones in the driver’s seat.  

Silence Your Inner-Saboteur 

It’s hard to believe in yourself when the voice you hear the most (your own) is comprised of critiques and negativity. Talk to yourself the way you would speak to your best friend –with honesty and kindness. When your mind starts to slip into negativity, stop the slide and consciously pivot by replacing those thoughts and comments with positive ones.  According to the Mayo Clinic, positive self-talk can help your coping skills, improve psychological well-being and even increase your lifespan.

Change Your Approach 

In order to live a life filled with purpose, you must live the day to day on purpose. This means incorporating consistent and healthy habits into your routine to shift your perspective of yourself and the world, as well as your interaction with others into moments of growth and opportunity.  Whether it’s through visualization, mediation, or affirmations, you must set the tone of your day, and therefore your week, and then your month, on purpose. This daily change will instill confidence and a belief in yourself and what is possible.

Surround Yourself with Support

Once you’ve taken ownership of your success, and you’ve begun to harness your self-belief once again, it’s more important than ever to surround yourself with a support system who will fan the flames and pour into you. It’s imperative that you find people who will elevate you rather than bring you down. And while your friends and family are likely some of your greatest cheerleaders, in order to ensure your success and growth, you need to solicit the support of likeminded individuals who can help offer you a broader view of yourself, your business and the world like a mentor, a business coach, or a force to be reckoned with—a mastermind group. 

If you need the tools, the sounding board, and the support system of like-minded individuals to find your belief in yourself and your work once again, if you want to live a life filled with purpose, and each day on purpose, it may be time to invest in yourself by taking the first step toward participating in the MMSF Mastermind launching in January 2022. Let us come alongside you as you fully step into your purpose and your power—let us help you harness the same belief you so generously give to others and tap into it for yourself, your growth and your success.  E-mail us at [email protected] for more information on the MMSF Mastermind; step into your essence and into the driver’s seat once again.

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