“I’m Just Too Busy!” – Self-Care Tips for Working Moms
Is “me time” a foreign concept to you?
It seems like at every turn, the responsibilities of being a working mom take up all your time. Obligations at home and at the kids’ schools and meetings, projects, and deadlines at work. Somewhere along the line, “me time” stopped being a priority. You’ve drifted away from your interests and passions—and essentially, yourself—without realizing that it’s even happening.
You’re not alone. Lots of moms—myself included—are in the same boat. But just because many moms experience this lack of “me time” doesn’t make it okay. As a mom, you are loving, giving, kind, and nurturing to your little ones, but why can’t you be like that with yourself also?
I’m a total supporter of moms making time to care for themselves, because all moms deserve it! Here are a few self-care tips for working moms that will go a long way for your own well-being.
Stop Feeling Guilty
Mommy guilt is real! We may want to take some time for ourselves, but we tend to feel bad about it. So instead we keep going, constantly self-sacrificing, and as a result, we’re forever exhausted. But the truth is, when your energy is depleted, everyone—your kids included—suffers.
So really, taking care of yourself is for everyone’s benefit, not just yours.
Wake Up Earlier
Sleep is a precious thing, even more so when you’re a working mom. You have a tight schedule that probably already leaves you minimal time to sleep—and even that can get interrupted (those middle-of-the-night wake-up calls from a screaming kid, for example).
Despite all this, I suggest waking up earlier than usual—just setting your alarm for 15 minutes earlier each morning will do. It’s the time of day when everyone else is still asleep and you have some much needed quiet moments to yourself.
Use this time to drink a fresh cup of hot coffee or tea in peace (instead of the forgotten cup of lukewarm caffeine you usually end up chugging as you rush out the door). Read a book, write in your journal, exercise, stay in bed and take deep breaths… whatever it is that will keep you in touch with yourself, do it! The house is probably at its quietest in the morning, which is why it’s the best opportunity to squeeze in some “me time.” Resist all urges to do the laundry!
Pay Attention to Other Relationships
On top of being a mom, you are a myriad of other things: a friend, daughter, wife, sister, cousin. Kill two birds with one stone and go out for breakfast or lunch with some of the other people in your life—without the kids. You have to eat, don’t you?!
Although being a mom is a beautiful and amazing thing, there is more to you. Spending time on the other relationships in your life could be that breath of fresh air you need to feel rejuvenated and ready to take on your hectic schedule. And it’s a nice break from all the baby talk at home!
Ask for and Accept Help
Self-care sometimes includes learning to accept help. Letting go of control can be difficult, but despite your Super Mom qualities, you are only human and accepting help doesn’t make you a bad mom.
If your spouse or partner can take care of something, let them. If your mother-in-law offers to come babysit once a week, say yes. You don’t have to do everything all the time. Take a shower, go for a walk. Let someone else handle things for a bit. It takes a village, after all.
Take Time to Focus on Your Goals
It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget about your goals. This might leave you feeling unfulfilled. Make time everyday or every week to work towards your goals.
For example, if you want to find a way to earn a supplemental income, take the time to research your options to achieve that goal. Working towards your goals will give you confidence and motivation—plus it has the added benefit of allowing you to escape from your everyday routine.
Self-Care Tips for Working Moms: Make Yourself a Priority
Every working mom gets 24 hours in a day, but how is it that some are able to fit in that trip to the gym and you’re not? It’s about making yourself a priority. When you give and give—to your family and your career—without taking time out for yourself, your bucket becomes empty. And a mom with an empty bucket isn’t much help to herself or her family!
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