Ask Her More: 20 Fun Questions to Ask Your Daughter

Ask Her More: 20 Fun Questions to Ask Your Daughter

Ask Her More

The Oscars have come and gone. But in their wake has been a wave of social media chatter. One of the most surprising reactions involved a negative response to Reese Witherspoon’s endorsement of the Ask Her More campaign, a call to acknowledge that actresses are more than their wardrobes. As parents, we should not only applaud Witherspoon’s efforts, but apply them beyond the red carpet.

For years, the majority of the questions fielded by actresses at award shows have been about their dresses and accessories. So, while men get asked about their roles in nominated films and other accomplishments, women get asked about whether they are wearing Spanx under their outfits.

In an attempt to up the quality (and equality) of these interviews, the Representation Project launched the Ask Her More movement to encourage reporters to diversify their dialogue with Reese Witherspoonactresses. This year, Ask Her More (#AskHerMore on social media) earned a spotlight with support from Witherspoon and other female celebs. Unfortunately, not everyone embraced the endeavor.

From television and radio hosts to Facebook commentators critics have argued that this line of questioning comes with the job and have even expressed outrage in Witherspoon’s challenge. It’s true that a film career is coupled with the expectation to don glamorous gear. But, celebrities such as Witherspoon aren’t asking to abandon the traditional red carpet questions, just to also inquire about the career that got them there in the first place. After all, they worked hard to enjoy the privilege of wearing designer duds and want to discuss their efforts as well as give a shout out to their dress’s designer.

This disparity between the amount of attention given to a woman’s appearance and a man’s isn’t just in Hollywood. It seems to permeate every aspect of our culture, beginning in our homes.

While there’s nothing wrong with complementing our daughters on their outfits and showering them with terms of endearment like “beauty” or “princess,” there’s a danger in overemphasizing a young girl’s looks. It runs the risk of influencing them to place their value in being decorative rather than developing character.

Before telling a young girl her hair looks pretty or making a cute comment about that dress or those shoes she’s wearing, consider asking some of the following questions. Not only will you encourage confidence in her character, but also avoid the all-too-familiar one-note conversations: How was your day? Good. What did you do? I don’t know. Learn anything new? Nope.

1. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
2. What do you think is the meanest thing people say?
3. What is your idea of the perfect party?
4. What made you smile today?
5. If you could be any zoo animal, which would you choose and why?
6. If you were invisible for a day what would you do?
7. If you could invent one thing, what would it be and why?
8. What is the most important quality for a teacher/parent/best friend to have?
9. What are you grateful for today?
10. What is your favorite thing about this time of year?
11. If you could know one thing about the future, what would it be?
12. If you could get anything in the world as a present right now, what would it be?
13. What do you want to be when you get older? Why?
14. What is the first thing you notice about a person?
15. What is the silliest thing you have ever said or done?
16. What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?
17. What is the grossest thing you can think of?
18. What is one subject you don’t know about that you wish you did?
19. If you could trade places with anyone who would it be and why? What about someone in our family?
20. What are some ways you could set a good example for others this week?

What creative questions do you ask your daughter?

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