North Coast Spotlight : Jan 9, 2014

North Coast Spotlight : Jan 9, 2014

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It started as a local business.

Heidi Bartolotta quit her job and founded Moms Making Six Figures with two other women in December 2009 to allow women to stay at home and either replace or supplement their income. Four years later, the San Diego-based company now helps moms work from home across the United States and overseas.

“It’s amazing what’s happened in that amount of time,” Bartolotta said. “I knew there were other women like me, but I didn’t realize how many.”

Bartolotta worked as a pharmaceutical sales representative for 12 years. After having two daughters, she no longer wanted to work late and travel. She wanted to be home.

“Women are looking for different avenues,” said Bartolotta, whose daughters are now 7 and 10 years old. “There are so many women that would like the flexibility to have their schedule be their own schedule.”

Moms Making Six Figures represents a U.S.- based manufacturer. The marketing company has grown to more than 100 team members, about a third working full time.

Team members come from different backgrounds, education levels, work experience and locations, Bartolotta said.

Although the company launched in San Diego, there are new team members across the United States, as well as in the United Kingdom and Australia.

“We’re all really very much the same, no matter which country we’re in,” Bartolotta said. “We all have the same desires to make our family our priority. A mom is a mom, no matter which country we’re in.”

Looking to expand her team at home and abroad, Bartolotta encourages interested women to contact her by filling out a form on the company’s website at

“You just have to be willing to learn something different because it’s different,” Bartolotta said. “Take a leap of faith.”

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