Setting goals is the first step…

Setting goals is the first step…

This week, we are talking with Courtney Sewell. She is a mom of three and a Moms Making Six Figures businesspartner with a serious passion for health and wellness. Courtney uses her social media platforms to highlight popular wellness topics and has found the balance between being a full-time mom and an entrepreneur.

Where did your passion for wellness stem from?

When I was first introduced to the Moms Making Six Figures and the US-based manufacturing company we represent, there were many things that really made me think.  One of those things was the ingredients in the home and personal products I was currently using.  So, I started to do some research and what I found was incredibly shocking.  So many personal care products have ingredients in them known to cause cancer and other serious health issues that I had no idea about.  I knew there were others like me, who were unaware of the potentially dangerous products on the market. Researching this topic sparked the love that I know have for health, wellness, and a passion to educate others. Not everyone loves to spend the time reading and learning like I do, so my goal is make it easier for them by educating on better and healthier ways to live while save time and money.  And THAT is a fulfilling career.

As a mom of three young children, how do you balance working from home and taking care of your family’s needs?

I write down my goals and stick to them. Even if the goal requires some readjustment, I find a way to make it happen. There are millions of excuses to come up with on why I cannot work on my business, but I don’t let things get in my way. I have learned to work around whatever comes up instead of letting it stop me.

Even though older kids are on a year-round school schedule and we have a ton of breaks throughout the year, I have learned how to balance this challenge well. During those breaks when my older kids are home I will typically plan a lot of fun things to do, but they know that I must get my work done before we have fun.

Tips advice for aspiring Mompreneurs?

Tip #1: Get the Kids involved!

I tell my (older) kids what my next two big goals in my business are and we find a reward they would love to have when I achieve my goals;for example, going to Legoland.  I explain to them what I need to do (in simple terms) to achieve those goals so they are on board and feel like they are a part of the journey!

Tip #2: Remember that it’s your business and your goals.

I treat my business like a business. If I was working for an employer, they would expect me to get my work done.  That is how I think about my own business. I am the one who has set the expectation and I need to do the work to achieve the goal.

Courtney offered some fantastic advice that working moms everywhere can take something from! Whether it is goal setting, balancing her family/work life, or educating others with her passion for wellness, she is setting a great example to women everywhere on what can happen when you decide to chase your dreams!

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